Wednesday, May 11, 2011

KNights of the south Bronx!!

Knights of the South Bronx is a movie based on poor childern that think they can't do what wealthy childern can do. That puts them down and gives them more effort on progressing in life. They got taught how to play "Chess" the professional way!

Stand and Deliver

It teaches you all a lesson you have to prove people wrong if they're accusing you of doing something you never did. The movie is based on a dedicated teacher inspires his dropout prone students to learn calculus to build up their self-esteem and do so well that they are accused of cheating.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Carbon Cycle.

The Carbon Cycle is a processes through which all of the carbon atoms in existence rotate. The same carbon atoms in your body today have been used in countless other molecules since time began. Its also the cycle of nuclear transformations in the interiors of the stars by means of which hydrogen is gradually converted into helium with the release of nuclear energy

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

NorthRidge Earthquakes

The Northridge earthquake happened at 4:30 a.m. local time on January 17, 1994. Northridge is found about 30 km northwest of Los Angeles. This earthquake had a 6.9 moment magnitude. The hypocentral depth was 19 km. The duration was about 10 seconds to 20 seconds. The earthquake occurred along a "blind" thrust fault, close to the San Andreas fault. Note that a blind fault is a fault which does not extend to the surface. In other words, it is buried.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Earthquake && Tsunami

The Earthquake that hit in the Pacific Ocean made a huge dissaster. It made big waves throughout the ocean and it ended up hitting Japan hard. They lost a lot of lives and some lodt their homes.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

CA Earthquake Hazard

Earthquake shaking hazards are calculated by projecting earthquake rates based on earthquake history and fault slip rates the same data used for calculating earthquake probabilities. New fault parameters have been developed for these calculations and are included in the report of the 2007 Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Seismic Waves

Seismic Waves are waves of energy that travel through the earth, for example as a result of an earthquake, explosion, or some other process that imparts low-frequency acoustic energy.  Many other natural and anthropogenic sources create low amplitude waves commonly referred to as ambient vibrations.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Starta Vocanoes vs. Shield Valcanoes


Strata Volcanoes vs. Shield Volcanoes. Starta Volcanoes are shaped like a cone while Shield Volcanoes are round. They have they're differences but one of the biggest Strata Volcanoes are characterized by eruptions of lava that is more viscous while Shield Volcanoes generally erupt fluid basaltic lava.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gulf Stream

The Gulf Stream is together with the Northern extention towards Europe, the North Atlantic Drift, is powerful and its also warm. Ocean currents originates at the tip of Florida and it follows the eastern coastlines of the U.S. and Newfoundland before crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Also the Gulf Stream inluences the climate of the east coast of North America from Florida to the Newfoundland and the west coast of Europe.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gulf Currents

Other experts say that the oil is already there—satellite images show oil caught up in one of the eddies, or powerful whorls, attached to the Loop Current, a high-speed stream that pulses north into the Gulf of Mexico and travels in a clockwise pattern toward Florida.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Plate Tectonics is a fascinating story of continents drifting majestically from place to place breaking apart, colliding, and grinding against each other; of terrestrial mountain ranges rising up like rumples in rugs being pushed together; of oceans opening and closing and undersea mountain chains girdling the planet like seams on a baseball; of violent earthquakes and fiery volcanoes. Plate Tectonics describes the intricate design of a complex, living planet in a state of dynamic flux.

Monday, January 31, 2011


The water in your glass may have fallen from the sky as rain just last week, but the water itself has been around pretty much as long as the earth has!  
When the first fish crawled out of the ocean onto the land, your glass of water was part of that ocean.  When the Brontosaurus walked through lakes feeding on  plants, your glass of water was part of those lakes.  When kings and princesses, knights and squires took a drink from their wells, your glass of water was part of those wells.